Recruitment Services

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Got Talent?

Why You Need Us. And How We Help You Attract the Best Employees.
Great businesses only hire great talent. The problem today is, how do you attract that talent? As the pool of qualified candidates shrinks, it is of utmost importance that your company is positioned to attract the best people. We elevate your brand and position you above the competition. Job seekers are savvy about using social media, checking reviews and doing their research before accepting a job offer. We work with you to put your organization in the best position to attract talented, in-demand candidates. We craft a story around your company so that potential candidates want to work for you. Especially important in the the tight labor markets of Healthcare, Manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics and Warehousing industries.

The importance of “brand” has perhaps never been more powerful than it is now. Creating, enhancing, monitoring and protecting your brand is crucial to your companies' success. No longer is just maintaining your website and creating great content enough. You must have a dynamic presence across all media, including conventional communications and public relations, consumer friendly mobile applications, e-commerce, and all social media channels. Social media is where you can make your brand shine. It is also where you can get into trouble if is not properly managed. Curating your brand's presence so that prospective candidates are interested and excited to work with you is one of our favorite strategies.

Social Media
Two words... Employee Advocacy. Your best source of social media content and your best fans are both right there in your organization! We work with our clients to capitalize on their existing employees by providing approved content for them to share with their networks. This strategy is very successful because of the power of compounding, but also has a surprise benefit! It makes employees have a greater appreciation for their role in the organization and helps them feel more invested in the outcome. It's a win-win.

Company Pages
We ensure that there is plenty of great information on your company pages. From your website to Linkedin, and your Indeed company page, we ensure that their is rich content that will interest your potential candidate and position your company as a thought leader and engaged employer.

Similar to how consumers use Amazon reviews before making a purchase, job seekers have to be convinced that changing companies has benefits. We help our clients maintain and solicit reviews on job sites like Indeed and Glassdoor, for social proof and know, like and trust.

Hiring events where candidates come to you help put your applicant search on speed. From organizing the space, to promoting the event and ensuring that it is a success, to following up with candidates. We can do as much as you need to fill those empty job slots.

Job Desciptions
Just as we research and use keywords in all of our content and web pages, we will help ensure that you are writing the best job descriptions. If the right candidates aren't finding your open positions, it will be impossible to fill them!

Analytics + Reporting
As with everything we do, we start with a baseline and create a set of KPIs that we will measure and evaluate against. All of our recruiting efforts, social media outreach and ad spend will be monitored, analyzed and tweaked to get the best results and ROI. We are always watching the numbers.

Our Partners
We are excited to partner with Indeed to expand our digital marketing skills to the recruitment and talent acquisition space. From having access to proprietary research, to getting support with hiring events and a great discount on ad spend, we are Indeed happy to pass on those benefits to our clients.

to ponder...

A great employee is like a four leaf clover. Hard to find and lucky to have.
—Tammy Cohen

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